Today was their fun day, morning filled with team races, hot lunch and movie in the afternoon. Monday they will spent the day at the beach with another hot lunch provided by PAC. Tuesday they go swimming at the pool, Wednesday they have a slideshow of photos taken throughout the year and then Thursday is their last day, dismissed at 10 am. Looking forward to the summer break.
Ashley and Braden have been busy with extra activities as well. They both joined cross country runing with the school and had a couple of months to train then had 3 track meets. The track meets were busy, approx. 900 kids at each meet. They did well and had fun. Braden had to run 1.5 km and Ashley had to run 2.4 km. My hats off to them. Here are a few pics.
The School team
Braden and his age group team mates got first place for the team at their 2nd meet.
Way To Go Boys
Ashley coming up to the finish line at the first meet.
Braden at the finish line at the first meet.

Ashley and Braden both wanted to join soccer this year. They had practices Tuesday evenings and games on Saturday mornings. Braden finished up the season last Sat with a mini tournament (15 min per game). He really enjoyed it, had a lot of fun and it was a great way to release his extra energy. Since Ashley is older her tournament started yesterday and ends Saturday. Her team lost last night 3-2 but did great. She has another game tonight and 1 on Friday night. Then on Saturday she plays a minimum of 3 games starting at 10 am. wow we get to sleep in, her games usually start at 8:15 and has to be there 1/2 hr early, so we had a lot of early morning saturdays. Ashley loves to be goalie and talks about staying in soccer for a very long time.
A few pics from their first games in April.
Braden (green shirt #7)

Ashley (dark green shirt #2)

Amber has really enjoyed kindergarten and even has a boyfriend. Oh No starting already. Her class has gone on a field trip every month. Their field trps included visits to the hospital, fire station, dentist, apple orchard, DeMilles farm, and so many more.
Andrew is looking forward to kindergarten this September. Andrew and Amber will be placed in the same class (it's that or Amber & Braden in same class). The kindergarten teacher thought Andrew and Amber would be better as Andrew will only go Mon - Thurs, half day. This way Amber has the afternoon and Fridays without him. Hopefully things will be ok and they get along in the same class.
Mike and I have started a business. Heff's Carpet Systems. We just started operating about 1 1/2 months ago and have done quite a few jobs so far. It's all in the people you know, esp. when you first start out. So far Mike has done all the jobs, he has done his boss's place, my place of work downstairs and has been rebooked to do the upstairs this weekend. We have done the Cool Runnings store and the owners place of residence. We have cleaned company vehicles and more. So things are going good.
We are keeping busy with wedding plans (September 5, 2009) and of course we are both still working lots.
Till next time :)