Saturday, March 3, 2007

What will this week bring?

Wow! Last week was busy!

Started off with Ashley at a Thinking Day Sleepover with Brownies, Sparks and Guides.
While she was there she earned some badges for her Camp Blanket and Sash. They girls were all put into small groups and learned about international travel. They had passports with stamps everytime they entered a new Country. At the end of the camp the individual groups put on an improv skit. She had a great time.

As for the other kids, Braden is as devious as ever. Everytime he does something wrong or bad, he immediately comes running to us with specific details on what happened and who the culprit was.

Amber, well what can we say. She's undecided what see wants, always wanting and doing something different. However, she loves to take her cousin Carson by the hand and lead him everywhere like she's his mom. (It's so cute)

Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. Enough said!

As for Mike and I. I have decided that I am going to look after our nephew Carson for the time being. And who knows maybe I'll even get another kid for the day and then I won't have to go to work right now. Besides he's great to look after (Yes, he is great for us Brodie and Andrea), and it's nice having all the kids together. As for Mike, he tried going back to work full time this week but soon realized that after his bandage change he was not as strong as he thought he would be. So he did 1 full day, 1/2 day, for the entire week as he gets em changed every other day. Great news though, The V.A.C. came off on Friday so Mike doesn't have to lug a machine around anymore. But now I have to change his dressing's. Man I pity him.

If you want to know what Mike is going through check out this link. WARNING Not for the weak stomach!!

So we wonder....

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