Sunday, June 3, 2007

All is good

Monday we went to Vancouver for Andrew's Doctor appointment. His doctor said things look great, and then he got new molds made for new AFO's (Ankle Foot Orthotics) and $1500 is being covered by medical so we only have to pay about $200, which is good since he outgrew his last pair in less than a year. So now we need to go down there again for him to be fitted. In the mean time they added some stuff to his right shoe so his foot will get some added benefit. His doctor also said he still has showing evidence of the Transverse Myelitis. His right eye droops a bit, his right foot is still weak as well as his right arm.

Mike has been on holidays all week but unfortunately has to go back to work tomorrow. Ashley had a blast getting a ride to school and back on the bike.

Ashley has started swimming lessons in school and she spent this weekend (fri - Sun) at her last Brownie event of the year. She had a great time at camp but is covered in mosquito bites despite the use of repellent.

Braden had his needles (getting ready for kindergarten), Mike took him and it was a good thing he took him. Braden freaked out. All is good now though.

Amber is well Amber, sweet on the outside but then the temper and backtalking comes out. LOL.

Here are a few pics.


Jodi said...

I am glad that his shoes are being covered by medical.

So is there anything they can do about the transverse myelitis (sp?)

Poor Braden shots suck.

Ashley is gonna be motorcycle momma when she gets older, better becareful LOL.

Amber sweet little amber lol she would never be sassy LOL.

Anonymous said...

You sure have a busy life. Hope Mike enjoyed his week off. Did he get his Birthday message from us. I'm glad to hear Ashley is taking swimming lessons - something I have never done. Does the Dr. think Andrew will ever be 100%? Did Braden have a reaction from his shots? Sounds like Amber is quite a normal kid. If you only knew half of the horror stories of what I see at work - you would think all your children are little angels. Love to all. Ma