Saturday, August 4, 2007

Our Journey :)

Mike had a week of Holidays and I had 5 days off so we had a spur of the moment trip to Grande Prairie and Edmonton to see Mike's brother and sister.

We drove to Hinton the first day and grabbed a hotel for the night. Our real adventure began the next morning. Andrew slipped in the bathtub and got cut right above his right eye. We found the only walk in clinic and the Doctor put on some steri strips and covered it. Off we went to Grande Prairie to see Mike's Brother and his girlfriend.

Once we got there we had exhausted our CD's so we decided to go and buy a satellite radio. We did a bit of shopping then headed over to Paul's. Had a great handmade hamburger BBQ and a great visit as well.

Next day: Edmonton. What a boring drive from Grande Prairie to Edmonton. It was so flat you could see as far as the eye could see. Once there we went to Mike's sisters. He hadn't seen her in 15 years. After visiting with her for a bit we took a drive to the neighbourhood where he lived for 4 years. He actually knocked on the door of their old home and took a look around. Spent the night at his sister's and got up at the crack of dawn.

Wednesday we started the long journey home. A trip well worth the while. It was great to just pick up and go.

Here are some pics of our journey.

Check out the face on the mountain.

I know lots of pics, but I like to share. We took over 150 pic's.

We took Andrew's dressing off last Saturday and lo and behold he woke up with a nasty rash on the right side of his face. By Monday morning his eye was so swollen that he could barley open it, so off to the Dr.'s again. The Dr. put him on an antibiotic for skin irritation. So with the med's and hydro cortisone cream he is getting better. He finished his meds yesterday, the rash is still there but it looks so much better, so we will continue with the cream. Oh and his cut is all healed. What next?

Off to Vancouver tomorrow to pick up the rug rats for Monday. We actually have to take the horseshoe bay ferry over and pick them up on the island it's going to be a long day so we are leaving tomorrow after I am done work. Probably around 12 - 1 pm.

More updates later.

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